Can Hamster Eat, Fruits

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi


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Kiwi is a sweet and tasty fruit that many pet owners wonder if they can share with their hamsters.

The fuzzy brown peel and vibrant green interior of kiwi make it visually appealing, and its flavor and nutritional content add to its intrigue.

But is it safe and healthy for hamsters?

In moderation, kiwi can be a nutritious snack for hamsters.

 The fruit contains essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that offer health benefits. However, too much kiwi has some risks for hamsters as well that owners need to consider.

Read on to learn more about whether hamsters can eat kiwi, the nutritional facts, health benefits, potential risks and how much to safely feed hamsters. We’ll also give kiwi feeding tips to optimize nutrition and mini safety for these pint-sized pets.

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi Fruit?

Yes, hamsters can eat kiwi fruit. Both kiwi skin and kiwi flesh are safe for hamsters to eat. The interior green flesh is soft, sweet and provides moisture along with nutrients.

Kiwi skin is perfectly fine for hamsters to ingest too. Some owners choose to peel the fuzzy skin off before giving kiwi to avoid any dirt or pesticides, but generally kiwi skin isn’t dangerous. Just offer peeled vs. unpeeled according to your hamster’s preference.

Both Syrian and Dwarf hamsters enjoy kiwi treats. Roborovski hamster owners also report their pets nibbling on kiwi with delight. The sweet, juicy texture attracts them to this fruit.

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi Seeds?

Yes, hamsters can safely eat kiwi seeds. Each kiwi fruit contains numerous tiny black seeds embedded throughout its flesh. Their petite size makes them easy and safe for a hamster to eat.

In fact, the seeds add extra fiber, vitamins and minerals to their snack. Just avoid giving hamsters more than 1-2 kiwi fruits in a day so the seeds don’t overwhelm their digestive system.

You can mash kiwi flesh with the seeds or dice the fruit into slices with seeds intact for your hamster. Both are healthy treat options in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi Skin?

Hamsters can eat both peeled and unpeeled kiwi skin. Many owners feed their hamsters kiwi complete with fuzzy peel. As long as the kiwi is washed first, the skin poses no major risks.

Some hamsters ignore kiwi peel altogether and just nibble the flesh away. But if your hamster wants to munch the skin too, that’s OK nutrition-wise.

If you prefer not to feed unwashed produce, you can always peel kiwi first.

But again, it’s not necessary for health reasons to remove kiwi skin for hamsters.

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Kiwi?

All species of dwarf hamsters can eat kiwi, including Roborovski hamsters, Campbell’s hamsters and Chinese hamsters. Winter white dwarf hamsters and Russian dwarf hamsters also enjoy kiwi treats.

The petite size of seeds, flesh and peel are proportioned well for a small dwarf hamster. Give them bite-sized pieces vs. A whole half or slice to prevent wasting. Then adjust serving sizes according to their diminutive bellies.

Always introduce new snacks like kiwi slowly. But once your dwarf hamster tries this sweet vitamin-packed fruit, they’ll likely fall in love!

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Kiwi?

Clean teeth:

Dried kiwi fruit makes a delicious, chewy treat for hamsters too. Dehydrated kiwi slices are commonly sold as a dried fruit snack with a pleasant, sweet flavor.

This chewy texture also helps clean teeth too.

When feeding dried vs. fresh kiwi, reduce the amount compared to regular hydrated fruit though.

Dehydration process:

The dehydration process makes dried kiwi more concentrated and sugary once rehydrated in your hamster’s tummy.

Look for unsweetened dried kiwi without additional sugar, oils or preservatives too. Pure dried kiwi slices are the best option to buy or make at home. Then use sparingly as part of a balanced, varied diet.

Is Kiwi Safe for Hamsters?

Kiwi is safe for hamsters to eat in moderation. Both the seeds, skin and green flesh offer nutritional benefits with low toxicity risk. Plus, most hamsters find this fruit quite delicious and enriching.

However, kiwi does contain natural compounds like oxalates that can cause problems if overfed. And its high moisture and sugar content aren’t ideal as primary diet components either, but fine as occasional treats.

We’ll detail kiwi fruit nutrition facts along with potential health benefits plus overfeeding risks next. But the bottom line – kiwi is safe if carefully portioned as a supplemental treat a few times per week for hamsters.

Nutritional Facts of Kiwi:

Kiwifruit provides the following nutritional values according to the United States Department of Agriculture:

  • Vitamin C – Kiwi contains over 150% your daily Vitamin C needs per fruit! This aids immune health and heals wounds.
  • Folate – Important for cell growth and replication. Pregnant and growing hamsters need folate.
  • Vitamin K – Supports bone density and healthy blood clotting ability.
  • Vitamin E – An antioxidant that prevents disease and boosts immunity.
  • Potassium – Helps muscles contract, nerves signal and lower blood pressure.
  • Fiber – The fuzzy peel and tiny seeds give kiwi 4 grams of fiber per kiwi which aids digestion.

Beyond vitamins and minerals, kiwi supplies useful plant compounds too:

  • Antioxidants – Protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Help prevent disease and cancer.
  • Carotenoids – Boosts immunity and heart health. Gives kiwi its lovely green color.
  • Actinidain – This enzyme helps digest proteins down into amino acids for energy.

Health Benefits of Kiwi for Hamsters:

Below we detail key health benefits kiwi delivers:

Provides Immune Support;

With abundant Vitamin C, kiwi significantly aids immune health in hamsters. It helps white blood cells proliferate to combat illness fast. And the antioxidants prevent free radical damage to keep cells strong.

Supports Gut Health:

Kiwi’s natural enzymes like actinidin help digest proteins, which allows better nutrient absorption. Fiber also moves waste through intestines preventing constipation issues in hamsters.

Boosts Heart Health:

Potassium relaxes blood vessels reducing strain on the heart. Kiwi’s fiber, antioxidants and minerals also help regulate cholesterol and blood pressure for healthy circulation.

Aids Respiratory Health:

Nutrients like Vitamin C, E and copper reduce respiratory illness risk. And potassium opens airways for clear breathing too.

Promotes Healthy Bones & Teeth:

Minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in kiwi build strong bones to support an active lifestyle. Its crisp flesh also helps clean teeth.

Clearly in moderation, kiwi makes a nutritious, low-calorie treat. But overdoing kiwi has risks too, especially for smaller hamsters. Let’s explore those next.

Risks of Too Much Kiwi for Hamsters:

The saying “too much of a good thing” applies to kiwi for hamsters too. While beneficial in moderation, kiwi does pose some risks if overfed, including:


All plants contain oxalates, but kiwis are very high in these antinutrients. Oxalates bind to calcium preventing absorption, causing deficiencies over time.

High Water Content:

With over 80% water, too much kiwi leads to a wet gut with diarrhea. It lacks the fiber needed to move loosened stool.

Natural Sugar:

Kiwi contains 10+ grams of sugar per fruit, which can spike blood sugar. The fiber helps slow absorption, but excess kiwi allows over consumption.

Hoarding Risk:

Kiwi’s sweet scent and soft texture also encourage hoarding if given too much. Rapid spoilage causes illness if eaten from caches later.

Cheek Pouch Issues:

Sharp fragments of skin and seeds can also get stuck and injure hamster’s stretchy cheek pouches if they hoard sizable chunks. Prevent stuffing with small pieces.

Now that we’ve covered both pros and cons, what’s the ideal kiwi feeding amount? Let’s discuss that next.

How Much Kiwi Can Hamsters Eat?

We suggest feeding hamsters just 1-2 teaspoons of diced kiwi flesh 2-3 times per week at most.

This provides nutritional benefits without overdoing sugars, water or oxalates.

To prepare, wash kiwis thoroughly, then peel if desired. Next dice into pea-sized pieces to control portion sizes. Refrigerate any leftover fruit within an hour and use within a few days.

Always hand feed tiny tastes when first introducing kiwi to observe reactions too. Adjust portions according to their enthusiasm and signs of digestive upset after. Most do well within the above serving suggestions.

Be Careful of a Few Things:

When serving kiwi, do watch for a few signs of problems:

  • Diarrhea or wet tail
  • Lack of appetite
  • Stashing big chunks in pouches long term
  • Ignoring other foods in favor of fruit

Reduce portions or frequency if you notice these kiwi overfeeding issues. Or try some better alternatives next.

Alternatives to Kiwi for Hamsters Diet:

For variety, you can also try other fruits like blueberries, apple, cooked sweet potato or melon as safer options. Or add more leafy greens like romaine lettuce for moisture plus vitamin K.


Chopped vegetables add crunch too – carrots, cucumbers, broccoli and cauliflower florets for example. Plus herbs like cilantro, dill and basil give flavor diversity as well.


Just introduce new foods in tiny tastes first. And restrict high moisture and sugary options like fruit to the same 1-2 teaspoon serving, 2-3 times weekly as for kiwi.

This prevents obesity and diarrheal issues in hamsters while allowing nutritional variety.


Can hamsters eat kiwi daily?

No, kiwi should be limited to a few times a week, not daily. Its high natural sugar content can lead to overfeeding issues with excess portions.

Do hamsters like kiwi?

Most hamsters relish sweet fruits like ripe kiwi. Its juicy texture and pleasant scent attract them too, much like kids! But always introduce new treats in small tastes first to confirm your hamster likes that particular food before serving more.

Is kiwi high in sugar?

Yes, kiwi is relatively high in natural sugars like glucose and fructose, with around 10 grams per average kiwi fruit. That’s why sticking to a teaspoon treat size prevents overfeeding issues. The fiber in skin and seeds helps slow sugar absorption too though.

Can hamsters choke on kiwi seeds?

Kiwi seeds are tiny, less than 5mm diameter. So they’re a choking risk only for infant hamsters under 5 weeks old. Adult hamsters chew their food well plus have expandable cheek pouches that allow intact swallowing of whole kiwi flesh and seeds. But do dice kiwi to control portion sizes.

Do kiwis need to be peeled for hamsters?

No, the fuzzy brown peel of kiwi is totally edible and safe for hamsters. But you can peel kiwi first if you prefer before dicing or want to remove any dirt or chemicals from the skin.


Kiwi makes a suitable supplemental fruit treat for hamsters a couple times a week. Its juicy green flesh, edible seeds and fuzzy peel offer essential vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds like vitamin C.

Just be sure to introduce kiwi slowly in dime-sized portions first to watch for any individual intolerances. And restrict total feeding to 1-2 teaspoons, 2-3 times weekly at most. This prevents overfeeding risks like digestive upset, tooth troubles or cheek pouch issues in hamsters.

By following these tips for safe kiwi amounts and prep methods, it makes a fun, nutritious addition to a balanced omnivore diet. 



As a dedicated entrepreneur with a profound love for pets, I bring a unique understanding of their needs.

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